Think Twice
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More secrets. More scandals. More ESP.
The long-awaited sequel to Don’t Even Think About It!
We used to be average New York City teenagers. Then, in tenth grade, we got flu shots and developed telepathy. Yes. Telepathy. We could read minds, and it wasn’t always pretty.
We tried to keep our ESP a secret, but the news spread until everyone knew about our special ability. Our teachers. Our friends. The New York Post. We became C-list celebrities. We even had our own groupies.
Now, it’s senior year, and with graduation around the corner we have plans — big plans — that involve being telepathic.
So when one by one we start to lose our ESP, we have to take action. Fast. With the class brainiac on our side, we should be able to save our telepathy before it’s too late. Right? Or will we have to learn how to survive without it once again?